Dear Spinsters,
I apologize profusely for the hiatus. It's summer. I got distracted by cocktails and cute boys and late nights. Happens to me every summer. Sooo, I wasn't really cooking.
However, I did take a brief pause to satisfy my seasonally inappropriate craving for something rich and hearty. You know, perfect summer food! I've always been that person who starts to get Christmas songs in her head in August and longs for Thanksgiving in July. I guess my internal calendar has always been a little off.
Truthfully, I made this as an entree but it would probably be better as a side dish. Here's what you'll need:
2 parsnips
2 carrots
1 oz butter (use real butter, you know you want to)
2 cloves garlic, crushed
one block boursin cheese (preferably the herb kind)
1 cup italian seasoning bread crumbs
1 cup cheese
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary (minced)
1 teaspoon dried parsley
Ground black pepper, to taste
Start out by chopping your parsnip and carrot into inch or so chunks. Drop them into your handy dandy food processor and grate them up! (Side note - this is the first time I realized you could use your food processor like this and it has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I feel like Aladdin). In the mean time, melt butter over medium heat. Cook garlic for one minute. Add parsnips and carrots and cook until almost done. Stir in the boursin cheese. Stir in rosemary, parsley and pepper. Transfer mixture to baking dish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and then your other cheese. Bake for 30 ish mins at 400 degrees.
Megan J
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