Friday, March 16, 2012

Colcannon Potatoes

OK, confession time, I may not be completely sober while writing this post...mostly sober, but not completely.  It has something to do with the process of making green wine.  As in there wasn't enough wine in my glass to make green wine, so I chugged it, poured myself a new glass and added food coloring.  Unfortunately my food coloring was the gel kind, it looked like a disgusting worm in my wine glass, eeew!  So I tried stirring it with a spoon, didn't really help much, maybe a little...then out came the whisk.  The whisk really didn't work, whisks really don't fit well in wine glasses.  This is what happens when you chug wine and attempt to make green wine, basically you look like an idiot, Megan J can attest to this.  Now I'm drinking my green wine and I don't know if it's because of the food coloring or my habit of buying REALLY cheap wine but the wine does not taste good.  Anyway, for this recipe

You will need:
Cabbage (shredded)
bacon bits

So I didn't give exact measurements because I think it's up to you.  One thing to remember, keep the potato to cabbage ratio at 2 to 1.  Maybe you have a St. Pat's party to go to and need an Irish recipe, in that case make LOTS.  Maybe you're like me and just need to make enough for one  (I used 3-4 yellow fleshed potatoes and mashed the cabbage in till I was happy, that's how drunk cooking works).  Once you determine how much food you need put the cabbage in water, bring to a boil then turn down heat and simmer for about 10 minutes or until cabbage is soft.  While cabbage is cooking peel and quarter your potatoes.  When cabbage is done use the remaining water to boil your potatoes.  If you need to you can add more water to immerse your potatoes.  Once potatoes are done mash them together with the cabbage, add milk to make potatoes creamy.  I used rice milk but before going dairy free I found that evaporated milk made the best mashed potatoes.  I usually just add milk as I mash until I get the correct consistency.  Add milk, salt and pepper to taste.  Top w/a pad of butter, salt and bacon bits (bacon makes everything better).  Take the dish to your party or sit down at home and ENJOY.  I was a little worried that this recipe would blow, I mean cabbage can not be good right?  Turns out it was good and any potato lover will appreciate it!

One last word of advice:  STICK TO GREEN BEER!
Megan S.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying this tonight! Not a cabbage fan but this looks and sounds great!
