Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hey y'all!

Let's face it.  Cooking for one is a bitch.  I mean, seriously, all these recipes that you find yield at least 4 servings which is far too much for one person to be able to stomach.  Perhaps your friends are tired of choking down your culinary creations and your freezer is full.  Either you give up and eat ramen or you end up throwing a lot of things out.  We feel your pain.  As three self proclaimed spinsters we decided to do something about it.

Throughout this blog we hope to offer a wide variety of recipes best prepared for one along with many comedic blunders and somewhat heart warming anecdotes.  We will definitely provide you with the dos and the don'ts of cooking for one (or someday two!).   We encourage questions and love to offer up advice from our different backgrounds.

We leave you with the #1 do of cooking for one:

Pour a tall glass of wine!

Bon appetit!