Monday, December 19, 2011

White Bean Spread With Spinach and Artichokes

phobia noun
 an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.

For me, my mayonnaise phobia makes complete sense.  It’s gross.  And it doesn’t stop there.  I have an extreme aversion to ranch dressing as well.  I am deeply disturbed by THOSE people who smother their mayonnaise or ranch on top of anything and everything.  Just the smell of it makes me gag.  Even typing about it is a little painful.

I’m fairly certain my phobia began at an early age, a day like many other days.  It was most likely a rainy or snowy day and I was at my best friend’s house, stuck inside.   We were about 9 or 10 and there were no parents in sight.  “Hey, Sam, wanna play a game?” She asks.  Those days I would pretty much do or say anything she requested of me.  “Sure,” I say, “What’s the game?”  With a sly grin on her face she informs me she is going to fill a plate from the refrigerator, blindfold me, and then feed me what was on the plate and I in turn had to guess each item.  “Why not?” I think, “What could possibly go wrong?”  I completely trust my friend as she is covering my eyes.  My first bite was easy.  “Pizza!” I say.  The second bite, however, happened to be a large spoonful of miracle whip.  I was already quite a picky eater and never even tasted miracle whip.  And I never will again. 

When I began working in the restaurant industry, my co-workers soon discovered this phobia of mine.  How funny they thought they were.  Smearing ranch dressing over objects they knew I would have to touch, like the sprayer in the dishpit or my car door.  Well now that I own and operate my own restaurant I can safely say that NO ONE smears anything anywhere and gets away with it.

The following recipe (and any other recipe I submit to this blog for that matter) is completely free of mayonnaise, ranch, or any other substance I find repulsing.  Use this spread on its own to dip your fancy crackers in or apply it on a sandwich in lieu of mayo. Toast a baguette and smear some on, finish with roasted red pepper and goat cheese.  The options are endless and quite delicious.  Tonight I chose to dip some veggies, goat cheese and a toasted pita in it.  Tomorrow I’ll make a chicken and bacon sandwich, spread some on along with some avocado, tomato and spinach. Yum!

1 can white beans, drained and rinsed well
½ can artichoke hearts (perhaps you can use the remaining half on a pita pizza, courtesy Megan S.)
1 cup spinach
3-4 cloves garlic
¼ cup parmesan (optional)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Slice of bread

Combine first five ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well combined.  Crumble bread in to thicken.  Drizzle with olive oil and add salt and pepper.   Mix until smooth. 


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